Everyone’s invited
Skins or articles - whatever you want – here’s something for everyone.

I have posted the following wallpapers for the championship:

Catharanthus Roseus


But, I cannot find them listed in my personal gallery. Am I to resubmit it at Wincustomize.com?

Thanking you in anticipation.

3 Replies Reply 6 Referrals

I have posted the following wallpapers for the championship:

Catharanthus Roseus


But, I cannot find them listed in my personal gallery. Am I to resubmit it at Wincustomize.com?

Thanking you in anticipation.

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The new engine is called Carakan

Feb 10, 2009 2:03 PM by Discussion: Personal Computing

Opera is working on a new Javascript engine named Carakan (pronounced Tsharakan) for their browser.
Google launched their Chrome web browser with a super fast V8 Javascript Engine.
Mozilla is working on TraceMonkey for the Firefox web browser.
Apple has their SquirrelFish engine which is used in Safari.
Now, Opera has announced that they are working on a new generation Javascript engine named Carakan.

Source: http://my.opera.com/core/blog/2009/02/04/carakan

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Collaboration Gives Gamers More Options at Every Price Point

Dec 18, 2008 3:56 PM by Discussion: Personal Computing

Earlier this year it was Gainward, and now another Nvidia exclusive video card partner has announced it is joining the red camp to bring XFX branded ATI video cards to market. On December 16, 2008 PINE announced that its graphics division, XFX, is partnering with AMD. The collaboration will incorporate the award-winning ATI Radeon™ HD 4000 series GPUs into XFX’s already impressive line of extreme performance graphics cards.

XFX will debut its first ATI Radeon™ HD 4000 series-based cards in early 2009. The XFX-partnered Radeon™ products will come with all of the popular features that XFX is known for.

To learn more about the partnership of XFX with AMD, please visit www.xfxforce.com.

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A recommended security upgrade

Dec 16, 2008 5:38 PM by Discussion: Personal Computing

Opera Software released Opera 9.63 today, which addresses several security issues. This release is a recommended security update for all those running the previous stable releases.

What's new in Opera 9.63? Windows | Mac | Linux/UNIX

Source: http://my.opera.com/

To download visit: ftp://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/win/963/int/

So, download, install and share your experiences.

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A new web browser for Windows get out of beta in 100 days

Dec 14, 2008 12:52 PM by Discussion: Personal Computing

In a somewhat unusual move, the Google team decided today to shift its Internet browser, Chrome, out of beta stage, just a hundred days after its debut and shortly after the latest updates of competing browsers such as Opera Browser and Mozilla Firefox.

Google, which has sometimes been criticized for its tendency to leave many of its products in beta stage even when they are already stable and highly reliable, hopes the announcement will help the lightweight browser gain some market share, currently around the 1 percent mark.

To download visit: http://www.google.com/chrome/

Read more at: http://googleblog.blogspot.com/

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Company claims it to be faster than previous generations

Dec 11, 2008 1:03 PM by Discussion: Personal Computing

Opera Software on Thursday (December 4) offered the first look at Opera 10, which the company is touting as much faster than previous generations.

The alpha version of the Web browser, available for download at the Opera site, gives people a sneak peek at the browser's Presto 2.2 rendering engine, which will be the foundation of all future Opera 10 products. The new engine delivers a 30% faster browsing experience as compared with Presto 2.1 introduced in Opera 9.5 in June.

To download visit: http://www.opera.com/browser/next/

Souce: http://www.informationweek.com/news/internet/browsers/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=212202056&subSection=Enterprise+Applications

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Show your appreciation

Jul 27, 2007 7:11 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
Untitled Document

Today, July 27, has been designated as the 8th Annual System Administrator Appreciation Day. On this special international day, give your System Administrator something that shows that you truly appreciate their hard work and dedication.

Consider all the daunting tasks and long hours (weekends too.) Let's be honest, sometimes we don't know our System Administrators as well as they know us. Remember this is one day to recognize your System Administrator for their workplace contributions and to promote professional excellence. Thank them for all the things they do for you and your business.

Happy Sysadmin Day

So happy System Administrator Appreciation Day, everyone. We'd love to let you guys take the day off, but let's face it. We'd be lost without you.

The official Sysadmin Day website

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IE and Safari are not any exceptions

Jul 25, 2007 7:43 PM by Discussion: Personal Computing

Mozilla acknowledged the vulnerability in Firefox

In a public mea culpa, Mozilla Corp.'s chief security officer acknowledged today that Firefox includes the same flaw that the company called a "critical vulnerability" in Internet Explorer during a two-week ruckus over responsibility for a Windows zero-day bug.

"Over the weekend, we learned about a new scenario that identifies ways that Firefox could also be used as the entry point," said Window Snyder of Mozilla. "While browsing with Firefox, a specially crafted URL could potentially be used to send bad data to another application.

"We thought this was just a problem with IE," Synder continued. "It turns out, it is a problem with Firefox as well."

Synder admitted that the flaw should have been spotted. "We should have caught this scenario when we fixed the related problem in," she said.

She did not specify when a patch would be issued, but one is in the works, according to an entry in Bugzilla.

But, the story does not end here. I have one more news for Firefox and Safari users. According to a message posted over the weekend on the Full-Disclosure mailing list, the latest version of Firefox,, contains a password management vulnerability that can allow malicious Web sites to steal user passwords. If you have JavaScript enabled and allow Firefox to remember your passwords, you are at risk from this flaw.

The Mozilla team fixed a similar flaw last November, one which did not require JavaScript. The heise Security Web site contains a demo/proof of concept of the vulnerability risk that you can use to determine your vulnerability.

The original flaw was referred to as reverse cross-site scripting and was reportedly widely used on Myspace.com.

Apple's Safari is vulnerable in the same way. Current workarounds include disabling JavaScript in Firefox or avoiding the use of Firefox password management on sites where users are allowed to post JavaScript pages.

So, Firefox is not safe at all. IE was never safe in the past and till date it can't be proved as a safe browser. Safari has the same vulnerability as Firefox has. So, what's the conclusion? Opera is the right choice - isn't it? Although Opera is recommended by hackers, it is safe if used with scripts and plug-ins disabled. So, in this situation can't we conclude like this: Opera + Linux = Ultimate security? What's your opinion?

Sorces: Computerworld Singapore and Linux.com

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Just try it

Jul 25, 2007 6:01 PM by Discussion: Windows Vista
Perform a Windows Vista Suicide

Windows Vista can be completely killed by pressing a simple combination of just two keys. All you need to crush Microsoft's latest operating system and put the much-applauded Wow at an end is two fingers. The immediate question which comes to mind is if the problem is a security vulnerability or a simple bug.

Either way, you too can watch Windows Vista die in front of your eyes. To make matters worse, the key combination is one of the most utilized keyboard shortcuts in Windows. Pressing the Windows key together with "E" will start 'Computer' in Windows Vista. Keeping the two keys pressed will open a large volume of Computer windows. Want to crush Windows Vista? Nothing could be simpler. Just keep the two keys pressed for more than 20 – 30 seconds.

In its present form, the bug seems to create nothing more than a Denial of Service condition. It remains to be seen if it can be exploited remotely or if it permits code execution.


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